How to Contribute

Here is a guide on how to contribute your content.

Working in Markdown

Here are some tips for writing documentation in Markdown and here is the guid for mkdocs-material markdown specific to this website format.

On GitHub

We have set up this website to be automatically generated and deployed via Travis-CI so anyone with write privileges can contribute content and have the website immediately reflect their contributions!

To get started, go to the MLGeophysics/Community repository and navigate to the docs directory.


From there find the appropriate folder for your contribution and create a new file. Want to create a new section (a new tab on the menu bar)? Then simply make a new directory in the docs directory.


Add your content in markdown and preview the page before you finish.


Finally commit your changes and wait a few minutes for Travis-CI to deploy the website.


On Your Own Machine

First, clone the MLGeophysics/Community repository:

$ git clone

$ cd Community

Create a Python virtual environment:

$ conda create -n mlgp python=3.6

$ conda activate mlgp

(mlgp) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now lets serve the website on your machine so that you can add files to the project and immediately see how this looks:

(mlgp) $ mkdocs serve

Open the locally hosted webpage. It should output from the mkdocs serve command and likely would be: http://<YOUR.IP.ADDRESS>:8000.

Make changes and see the results in your web browser. Once you are happy with your contributions, commit and push your changes to the repository!
